Stylish Pet Collars in African Fabrics

Jul, 06, 2021

Remaining resilient in the eye of the storm is oftentimes easier said than done, especially when that storm arrives as a life-resetting pandemic. We toast our lemonade to Chicago-based business owner, Tanita Mitchell, who serves as a shining example of what happens when passion meets purpose.

Tanita’s entrepreneurial journey began through her previous dog-walking business. Later, she realized that her clients needed quality accessories for their furry companions. Afropawlitan, a new yet familiar business path designing custom dog bandanas and neck collars with African fabrics journeyed with her from Ghana. The name means a society of paws (pets) infused with African style.

During her trip to Ghana, Tanita was inspired by the vibrant Ankara prints in the Ghanaian marketplaces. She describes her trip as awakening and a reconnecting experience. She was amazed at the glistening similarities between her and the Ghanaian natives. The love for good music and the sharing of contagious laughter reminded her that she was truly at home.

Tanita instantly felt she had to incorporate her origins into her dog collar business. Following her return to the states, she created a line of handmade Ankara-print dog accessories and later added cat accessories. While viewing Afropawlitan’s lively selection of both human and dog-friendly accessories, you come to respect Mitchell’s eye for unique details in the patterns and the representation of her rich heritage.

tanita mitchell owner afropawlitan dog collars african print ankara chicago
image source: Tanita Mitchell


Afropawlitan also serves as a community curated for pets of all sizes and breeds throughout Chicago and beyond. The brand has become a safe space for African-American dog owners to connect and support each other without any underlying judgment. Owners can stylishly match their furry friends when spending a little time together.

Obstacles such as launching during the pandemic and creating a safe space for dog owners within Tanita’s community have only proven to further sharpen her abilities and strengthen her drive. She explains her biggest lesson as an entrepreneur is that resilience is key.

Her career transition from an educator to becoming a small business owner propelled her to seek out educational resources. This broadened her understanding of running a business. Her knowledge of business grants had not always been as progressed but she did not allow that to curtail her efforts. She enrolled in courses and is currently utilizing her knowledge to offer college internships within the brand.


Meet Tanita

Afropawlitan will be a vendor at Arts Alive in Whiting Indiana located on the lawn of Nathan Hale Elementary (1831 Olive Street) from 8am-2pm during the following dates in 2021:
Jul 10
Jul 31
Aug 14
Aug 28

Company Details

Tanita Mitchell, Owner
+1 773.887.0220

afropawlitan society of stylish paws neck collars for pets
December 27, 2021

My Black Lemonade

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